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The below published scientific studies, review articles, and commentaries can all be found HERE.
- Prevention and/or Recovery from Corona Virus Infections: Clint Ober, James Oschman, Ph.D.
- Rx Earth – The Original Painkiller! James Oschman, Ph.D., Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D., Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.
- Understanding Earthing (Grounding) James Oschman, Ph.D., Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D.
- The Earth’s Electrical Surface Potential: A Summary of Present Understanding: Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D.
- Can Electrons Act as Antioxidants? A Review and Commentary: James Oschman, Ph.D.
- Charge Transfer in the Living Matrix: James Oschman, Ph.D.
- Perspective: Assume a Spherical Cow: The role of Free or Mobile Electrons in Bodywork, Energetic and Movement Therapies: James Oschman, Ph.D.
- Fatigued? Let Grounding Recharge Your Battery
- Earthing vs. “Good” and “Bad” Free Radicals: James Oschman, Ph.D.
- Earthing Speeds Sports/Training Recovery, Lessens Muscle Damage and Inflammation
- Earthing, Inflammation, and Aging – Something to Think About: Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D.
- Matteo Tavera: A French Naturalist’s Vision of the Importance of “Natural Electricity” to Life
- Earthing Poster 2018 Congress on Integrative Medicine